Thursday, August 2, 2012

Alex, the baseball mitt park and the mountains...

     *Before I let Kaitlyn at it. I would like to say that I really had nothing to do with her wanting to talk about Alex Shane. He is a kicker from Issaquah High School. Kaitlyn, Austin and I went out to the school one day to meet him and help him make a video for recruiting purposes. Kaitlyn thought he was really cute. All of the pictures on this blog really are Kaitlyn's choice. I click preview and we scroll through them and she picks the ones she wants. That is all. Here is Kaitlyn...

     Alex is a really good kicker. He is the best soccer player ever. Don't tell him this, he is cute. DON'T TELL ANYBODY! HE IS AWESOME! I picked up the balls that he kicked, but I wouldn't give it to him. He would have to catch it. I gave him a lot and a lot of stuff and he kept kicking it because I told him to do it. Also, I gave him a sticker and told him "If you rip this sticker off, I will beat you up!" So he ripped it off and I scratched him and he was like "AWWWWW" so I kept scratching him and scratching him and scratching him. His video has awesome music and he is cool. This is his video and a picture of him.

     The baseball mitt park is lots of fun. I make lots of friends there. We mostly play "Tag, your're it". The most funnest thing there is the spinning thing. The swings are fun and the baseball mitt is fun. They have a trail that we walked on that was fun. The slides are fun and the fields they have are fun to practice my gymnastics on. The first picture is me being really cool on the mitt. The other pictures are me on the spinning thing. Watch my video of me on the monkey bars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     I went on the gondola at Crystal Mountain. I was super super close to Mt. Rainier! It wasn't scary, it was super fun. We were having fun looking maps and stuff. I saw lots of baby squirrels, one jumped on my leg. When we were going down on the gondola, I sticked my butt in the air when someone was coming. I also put my face on the window. We went Mud Mountain Dam and the park before that and we played Jungle Cruise. There was also really cool bridges there.The last picture is my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Wow, Kaitlyn! You have been doing a lot of fun stuff this summer!
