I just started doing gymnastics, they are really really really really really fun. I mostly do the bars, exercise running, handstands and cartwheels. The block pit is my favorite part, it feels so good. All of the teachers went to Olympic Gymnastics. I want to go to the Olympics, but I just started. To get to the Olympics you have to work so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so hard. I have a pink leotard. These are my favorite pictures from my gymnastics day...
I'M SCARY! It is my favorite part! I am so scary I want to punch you in the face. I AM SO MAD! I act like a YAKAAAAA! By the way, Yaka means "a scary scary girl!". I am the scariest biker in the world! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I also do my creepy dance. This is my scary biker picture and creepy dance video!
*This last part seriously consisted of Kaitlyn walking around the room talking. When it goes to all CAPS, it is her yelling. I really can't make this stuff up.
WOW. That was ONE SCARY biker dance! YAKA!